Thursday, June 27, 2013



Performance and needs are very important to determine the team effectiveness in an organization: The following lists the characteristics that comprise high-performance teams:

v  To build commitment to a member of the team’s purpose and partnership by reviewing issues critical to their development in an organization.

v  To develop guidelines for team productivity by addressing norms for decision making and limits of authority in the team.

v  To create a collective vision of what your team can become in the next year.

v  To build an action plan to move them toward sustained team effectiveness.

v  The team has a common focus, including clear and understandable goals, plans, activities, and ways to measure success.
v  Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined for each team member.
v  Each member has clearly defined expectations of other members.
v  The team fully utilizes its resources—both internal and external.
v  Members value each other's differences in healthy and productive ways.
v  Each member is able to give, receive, and elicit necessary feedback.
v  The team members manage their meetings in a productive way.

v  The team is able to reach goals by achieving the necessary results.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Time spent Together

Time spent Together
Time spent together and cohesiveness is positively related people who met frequently and spend time together for developing mutual attraction and interpersonal interaction.

Team members are developing friendship and communication among members in an organization.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Team leader leads the team with full support and effective in achieving team results. A strong team leaders must possess the
Personal Credibility, Strategic Focus, Clear Expectations, Clear Communication, Engagement and Involvement, Develop People and Team, All members responsible and accountable, 

Manage Change Recognition and effective teams are always aware of the responsibilities to work at competitive environment.

Monday, June 24, 2013


Norming occurs as group members begin to build group cohesion, as well as develop a consensus about norms for performing a task and relating to one another. During this stage members accept the following issues:
v  Their team;
v  Team rules and procedures;
v  Their roles in the team; and,
v  The individuality of fellow members
v  Team members realize that their role and behavior in an organization.
v  Team members develop competitive relationships which become more cooperative.
v  There is a willingness to confront issues and solve problems.
v  Teams develop the ability to express criticism constructively.

v  There is a sense of team spirit in an organization.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Group size, degree of dependency, physical distances, time spent together, severity of initiation,  cooperation, threat  history of past successes are the major factors. These factors  are influencing the group cohesiveness in an organization. We shall discuss about the above factors below:

Group size
Small group size  is a greater probability of being cohesive than large groups in an organization When team size increases, in this circumstance, possibility of agreement towards the common goal and mutual interaction decreases. When team increases it restricts inter group and intra group communication and encourages for the formation of sub groups.

Degree of Dependency
It is a positive between the degree of cohesiveness and dependency in an organization. It requires greater attractiveness towards goals in an organization. The greater the degree of dependency which will be greater attraction and consequently the higher group cohesiveness in an organization.

Physical Distance
It is very important when people working together at a very close distance are likely to have greater opportunity for interaction in an organization.
It enhances the free exchange of ideas, sharing the problems and prospects in an organization. Therefore, it develops a closeness among the team members who leading to greater cohesiveness.

Time spent Together
Time spent together and cohesiveness is positively related people who met frequently and spend time together for developing mutual attraction and interpersonal interaction.

Team members are developing friendship and communication among members in an organization.

Severity of Initiation
It is positively correlated  towards with cohesiveness When strict admission procedures are prescribed for entry into group that is create severity of initiation.
In this case, the group becomes unique and elite in the eyes of other teams in an organization.

It arises out of the natural human tendency which share among the team members and get benefits for their efforts in an organization.

It is the team spirit that is developed by all team members in the team. It helps to share their personal opinion, suggestion, and recommendation relating to group tasks, reward system in a team and teamwork. Well designed organization structure promotes greater cooperation in this way cohesiveness is enhanced.

Status and cohesiveness are positively related in an organization
Status is identity of team and team members and their tasks in an organization Status will come to heard dedication, achievement,  growth and development of the organization.

It is also considered determining factors of cohesiveness External threat is unpredictable and uncontrollable Internal threat can be predictable and controllable,  Its impact on the group, its identity, and process in an organization. Strong and united team can easily face threat in an organization.

History of Past Successes
It is very important factors influencing the group cohesiveness in an organization Past result, performance, growth and development is the step stone towards the future goals and mission and vision of an organization Team will be evaluated the past results and analysis and interpret future result for survival and growth and development of an organization.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution
Conflict in a team is inevitable in a member. Conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. Healthy and constructive conflict is a component of high functioning teams. - See more at:
Conflict arises due to disagreement and poor communication in a group and its members find themselves in conflict situations they do not know how to resolve.  Their supervisor/leader may put off intervention until serious damage is done, i.e. a crisis situation.  In a team, members realize conflict is a normal aspect of human interaction but they view such situations as an opportunity for new ideas and creativity. They work to resolve conflict quickly and constructively.
Conflict resolution is a steady and continuous process in a team, it requires respect and patience and team facilitator replace negative experiences into positive one.
Team facilitator prepares for resolution in form of acknowledging the conflict  before managed and resolved and find the issues relating to conflict among the members in a team. Discuss the impact the conflict towards the team performance and mission, team member agree to amicable settlement in a team for achieving the goals and finally agree to communicate for resolving conflict and maintain a healthy environment in a team. By considering the facts, assumptions, beliefs and  take decision making without affecting anyone. Gain agreement within the team about which techniques to use, and how to go about the further analysis and evaluation.

Team facilitator is ready to resolve the conflict, next arises next stage understand the situation under the each member point of view and clarify positions, list the facts, assumptions and beliefs underlying each position and analysis the small groups work on the resolution of conflict. Convene back as a team And finally take to reach agreement to regulating the conflict. Team facilitator practice these things as outlined;

Immediately dealing with conflict and avoid to temptation, facilitator become discuss  being open,  tell clear communication, practice active listening, not stick on personal grounds, insists on honest and focus on actionable solutions, and finally demonstrate respect to all members in  a team

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Personal Development
In a group, members receive good training but are limited in applying it to the job by the manager or other group members.  In a team, members are encouraged to continually develop skills and apply what they learn on the job.  They perceive they have the support of the team. It's the perfect learning environment for member learn to develop personality.
Enhance personality in terms of improving communication skills, encourage teamwork, develop motivation and self confidence, remove barriers and self-doubt. Team members must learn skills such as Communication skills, Behavioral skills, Interpersonal skills, .Memory skills, Interactive skills, Team building skills, Conflict management skills, .Problem solving skills, Decision making skills, Analytical skills, Participative skills, Presentation skills, and Innovating skills.

Team members bound to develop an inner self confidence, Develop hobbies and skills to enhance personal development, practice  with etiquette and manners for self-development, Smile. It adds more charm and quality to your face and self-development, be respectful to others and keep yourself trustworthy, Read the newspaper aloud while at home. You develop a fluency in your communication, Clear and concise communication through team exercises is essential for personality development, Practicing meditation and yoga in corporate training has lifelong benefits. The inner peace will show on your face and work, Do not compare yourself with others, Staying amidst optimistic people are an excellent corporate training tool which helps you stay stress free, Team exercises help you refrain from finding faults, Be kind and grateful for doing favors and the favors you received, Painful endeavors have successful endings. Accept pain to reach success. It helps your personality development efforts, learn to recognize your own mistakes through team exercises, Team exercises also help you to show interest in people around you, Be bold when you lose and keep yourself calm when you win, Open appreciation shows excellent personality development,  Be conscious about your self-discipline and be cooperative with others.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Norming occurs as group members begin to build group cohesion, as well as develop a consensus about norms for performing a task and relating to one another. During this stage members accept the following issues:
v  Their team;
v  Team rules and procedures;
v  Their roles in the team; and,
v  The individuality of fellow members
v  Team members realize that their role and behavior in an organization.
v  Team members develop competitive relationships which become more cooperative.
v  There is a willingness to confront issues and solve problems.
v  Teams develop the ability to express criticism constructively.
v  There is a sense of team spirit in an organization.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Team Coordination Processes

Team Coordination Processes
Team effectiveness purely depends on several coordination functions effectively manage and discharge of  team members can coordinate their actions in the following ways.
 Orientation functions help to team members to acquire and exchange particular information that required for specific tasks. Team members coordinate  to engage in collection of knowledge of how to get resources and how to solve constraints in a project and how to achieve the mission and environmental problems in a team. It is stage of planning for how to get resources and how to solve the problems in a systematic manner. In this stage, members are exchanging their ideas, to manage the project without constraints.
 Resource distribution functions help to team members in the form of the assignment of members of specific tasks during collective action, the distribution of  the right material, people and  resources to tasks and  across subtasks, and balancing task load across members. Team leader allocate and distribute resources as per standard plan which make at the time of orientation. Resources include, skills, abilities, and knowledge of a team member.
 Timing functions identified the team members how  to coordinate the pace and speed of task accomplishment. Team pacing incorporates activities regulating the speed of task completion for the team as a whole, as well as for each individual team member.

 Response coordination functions to the specific sequencing of member activities and their timing relative to the occurrence of other team actions. Motivational functions are activities geared toward procuring the commitment of members to team task accomplishment
 Motivational functions  are vital during task execution may take the form of exhortations and encouragement when teams are performing under difficult circumstances. The two remaining teams performance functions refer to activities regarding the monitoring and maintenance of ongoing team actions, and the adjustment of those actions when they become dysfunctional.
 Systems monitoring functions monitoring functions include those actions directed at the detection of errors in the nature and timing of member activities.
Procedure maintenance functions refer to the team monitoring to ensure compliance with established performance standards. The emphasis here is more on team maintenance than on error detection. Both sets of functions include activities related to the adjustment of member actions in response to team derailment. These monitoring and adjustment activities are critically important for team performance, particularly for teams confronting dynamic and ambiguous situations. Indeed, monitoring activities were most instrumental for team decision making effectiveness.
To be effective, these team coordination functions need to become fairly automatic behavior patterns displayed by team members, individually and collectively, as teams confront tasks. Likewise, if teams need to operate in highly dynamic and complex conditions,
Then the application of these functions needs to be adaptive. In essence, teams need to balance two countervailing necessities in such environments: the need to standardize how team members contribute and combine their resources and the requirement that they remain flexible as task conditions become more dynamic.

This balance is created through ‘‘regulatory mechanisms’’ established within the team. These mechanisms refer to operating procedures established to govern the activation, occurrence, intensity, and monitoring of team performance functions. These procedures become encoded in team memory and new members are socialized to adopt and accept these procedures. Examples of such mechanisms include team performance norms, communication rules, and trained strategies shared by team members about how to accomplish routine team functions.

Monday, June 17, 2013


Storming occurs as group members experience conflict with one another as they locate and attempt to resolve differences of opinion. Storming is the second stage for formation of team. During the Storming stage team members involves the following activities:
v  Team members realize that the task is more difficult than they imagined;
v  Team members have fluctuations in attitude about chances of success;
v  It may be resistant to the task; and,
v  It is  involved having poor collaboration.
Storming Diagnosis is raising the following activities for formation of team:
v  Do we have common goals and objectives?
v  Do we agree on roles and responsibilities?
v  Do our task, communication, and decision systems work?
v  Do we have adequate interpersonal skills?
It involves the Negotiating Conflict in the following sense:
v  It Separate issues from problems and people in an organization.
v  It can be soft on people, hard on the problem.
v  It Look for underlying needs, goals of each party rather than specific work towards in an organization.
It addresses the problem with the following issues in an organization:
v  It State team members' views in clear non-judgmental language.
v  It Clarify the core issues in an organization.
v  It focuses to listen carefully to each person’s point of view.

v  It Check understanding by restating the core issues in an organization.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Cohesion to be task commitment and interpersonal attraction to the group. It brings group become unity and committed to work  to complete  goal. It  includes multidymanisal skills, emotional needs towards group attractions, group prides, and commitment of task. A formal definition of group cohesiveness is, " the resultant of all the forces acting on members to remain in the group." Attendance and punctuality are easy ways of measuring the cohesiveness of a group. 

Several benefits from group cohesiveness are effective communication among the group members, positive instructions to each other, its main task is to accomplish  tasks,  it results that the group becomes satisfied with action of work. 

It refers to consequences for group communication, satisfaction, performance, hostility and aggression toward other groups, and a group’s willingness to innovate and change.

Major Factors are influencing the amount of cohesiveness in a group like as members of the group share attitudes and values, the amount and severity of external threats to the group.

It is sharing the group experiences in terms of recognizable successes, the degree of difficulty encountered in joining the group, and the size of the group.


Cohesion to be task commitment and interpersonal attraction to the group. It brings group become unity and committed to work  to complete  goal. It  includes multidymanisal skills, emotional needs towards group attractions, group prides, and commitment of task. A formal definition of group cohesiveness is, " the resultant of all the forces acting on members to remain in the group." Attendance and punctuality are easy ways of measuring the cohesiveness of a group. 

Several benefits from group cohesiveness are effective communication among the group members, positive instructions to each other, its main task is to accomplish  tasks,  it results that the group becomes satisfied with action of work. 

It refers to consequences for group communication, satisfaction, performance, hostility and aggression toward other groups, and a group’s willingness to innovate and change.

Major Factors are influencing the amount of cohesiveness in a group like as members of the group share attitudes and values, the amount and severity of external threats to the group.

It is sharing the group experiences in terms of recognizable successes, the degree of difficulty encountered in joining the group, and the size of the group.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Understanding and ownership are functions of team

Understanding in team is  it happen  effectively, a team must be filled by competent members who are willing to play the part and keep  the team working as a unit to accomplish goal.
In a group, members think they are grouped together for administrative purposes only.  Individuals sometimes cross purposes with others.  In a team, members recognize their independence and understand both personal and team goals are best accomplished with mutual support.  Time is not wasted struggling over  "Turf" or attempting personal gain at the expense of others.

In a group, members tend to focus on themselves because they are not sufficiently involved in planning the unit's objectives. They approach their job simply as a hired hand. "Castle Building" is common.  In a team, members feel a sense of ownership of their jobs and unit, because they are committed to the values based common goals that they helped establish.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Team Roles

Each team facilitator defines the Clear Roles And Responsibilities, Organization Structure of the team, Job Description of members. Accountabilities of group members, Competencies among the Resources, require Tools And Equipment for a team members and necessary and technical Qualifications for effectively  running team work.

Belbin defines nine team roles are outlined:
Creative Team Roles: Plant and Resource Investigator
Leadership Roles: Shaper, Implementer and Coordinator
Miscellaneous Roles: Specialist, Monitor/Evaluator, Completer-Finisher and Team Worker
Plant: creative, imaginative, unorthodox, solves difficult problems
Resource Investigator: extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative, explores opportunities, develops contacts
Shaper: challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure, has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles
Implementer: disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient, turns an idea into practical action coordinator: mature, confident, a good chairperson, clarifies goals, promotes decision-making, delegates well
Specialist: single-minded, self-starting, dedicated, provides knowledge and skills in rare supply
Monitor/Evaluator: sober, strategic and discerning, sees all options, judges accurately
Completer/Finisher: Painstaking, conscientious, anxious, searches out errors and omissions
Teamworker: cooperative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic, listens, builds, and averts friction

Thursday, June 13, 2013


It involves the following activities are listed below:
v  Forming occurs as group members attempt to assess the ground rules that will apply to a task and to group interaction.
v  The first stage is forming which determine Define team, Determine individual roles, Develop trust and communication forming defined the task its problem and strategy which identify the information which is needed for forming of the team.
v  It defines the team leader’s role like as Encourage and maintains open communication  that Help to  the team develops and follows team norms which  Help to  the team focus On the task  deal constructively with conflict.
v  It defines the team role like as Keep a record of team meetings, Maintain a record of team assignments, Maintain a record of the team's work.
v  It involves Contacting resource people outside of the team and Correspond with the team's mentor Work to maintain good communication among team members and client.

v  It defines the Team Norms and it raises questions like as how do we support each other? What do we do when we have problems? What are my responsibilities to the team? 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Teams are successful when a team bound to have a clear sense of direction in terms of vision and mission and keep the right people at the right place, and resources are essential.

v  Formal and informal work groups are becoming increasingly important competitive factors in organizations due to changes in organization.
v  Teamwork is the result of groups working together to effectively and efficiently achieving organizational tasks and vision and mission.
v  In the case of Formal groups include command and task groups in an organization.
v  In the case of Informal groups include interest and friendship groups.
v  The group dynamic is a useful way to analyze groups as systems that use inputs and engage in various processes or transformations, and produce outcomes in an organization.
v  Managers ready to help and bring about higher performance from formal work groups by weighing the characteristics of members who assign to particular groups.
v  Group members should have task-relevant expertise and appropriate interpersonal skills for the accomplishment of tasks.
v  Group dynamics is a degree of diversity among group members that usually adds to performance in the project.
v  Group training, particularly for diverse groups which has been found to be useful and helpful to other members in a team.
v  Team Members may be attracted to a group for a number of reasons like as liking other members of the group, liking the activities of the group, the goals or purposes of the group, the group satisfies an individual’s need for affiliation, and the group can help an individual achieve a goal outside the group.
v  In the case of the absence of attraction can prevent the group from achieving high performance in an organization.
v  Team Member roles in groups like as group task roles, group maintenance roles, and self performance.
v  The size of the group has also played significant role in improving the group’s performance.
v  In the case of Mid-sized groups, it consists of five to seven members that seem to be an optimum size of an organization.
v  In the case of Smaller groups can often intensify individual differences in team work.
v  In the case of large groups which tend to be when working in groups than when working alone.
v  Provide free riding is particularly likely when members exhibit individualism rather than collectivism.
v  In the case of a team, a Manager can combat social loafing by several methods and Assign few extra people to do the work, it is one key method to achieve tasks in a team.
v  Team dynamic  using Other methods for measuring team performance  like as  making each individual’s work visible, providing for individual feedback, how  to work with team people  with  respect, to  measure standards to actually what is the  group performance, and making  suitable rewards to  individual members in team  to enhance of  group performance.