Thursday, May 23, 2013




"As a coach you have the choice of two main team strategies; play the
counterattack or carry the play to the opponent, thus choosing a defensive
or an attacking style of football. Based on this choice are the
defensive, building-up and attacking guidelines."
Rinus Michels


A successful manager has to know how to manage, admin and control the entire operation in a team. A team is a group of people working towards a common goal. Team building is a process of enabling them to achieve that goal.  The team involves the intelligent scanning of the environment, Awareness of the functioning of the team, Flexibility or readiness to change, Tolerance of ambiguity and difference within the team, a preparedness to accept uncertainty as change occurs.  In an effective team function lead to negative impact to the organization in terms of absence of trust among team members, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and negative results in a business. Team members  are worried about setting priorities, managing time, coordinating efforts, and distributing the work. These things are happening When goals are unclear or vague, otherwise members cannot agree goals of an organization.
"Teamwork remains the one sustainable competitive advantage that has been largely untapped."
Patrick Lencioni
Facilitation   is the art of leadership in group communication. A facilitator is one member of the team who fulfills this leadership role. It is happening either  online or  face to face among the team members who  exchange their ideas and views particularly relating to project. It makes it different things to different people in a team. The facilitator’s main job is to lead to the team and its process. It help to all team members to improve themselves in terms of communicating, examine and solve critical problems, and make decisions.

·         Team leaders are in a tough spot. Most are managers who have been given new roles as their departments have evolved into functional and cross-functional teams. Unfortunately, the skills that helped them be successful as managers don't necessarily apply in an organization.

·         Through practice and feedback, team leaders must learn the skills they need to effectively maximize a team's energy, thinking, and resources. This helps empower teams as they meet to move forward on issues, solve problems, and make decisions.

The purpose of assembling a  team is to accomplish bigger goals than any that would be possible for the individual working alone. The aim and purpose of a team is to perform, get results and achieve victory in the workplace and marketplace.  The very best managers are those who can gather together a group of individuals and mould them into a team. Here are ten key differentials to help you to  mould your people into a pro-active and productive team.

Effective Communication Skills for Facilitators in a team
A team facilitator and members are having effective Communication skills.  Team facilitators bound have some communicating skills for managing a team and client of the project.
Active listening is created genuinely interested in other team members thoughts and feelings. 
Listen intently among the team members and establish to Make eye contact.   Facilitator modeling and practicing behavior and make to try nonjudgmental and try to watch your nonverbal messages.
Team members are  Summarizing important things which are using  paraphrasing as a method of clarifying and   check your perceptions with the group. Team facilitator makes comments in the form of summarized last 10 minutes  and it is very well at the end of key parts of the agenda. Communication must be clear and it focuses attention to all members in a team. All members should make it clear about recognition of responsibilities and progress of work in a project and waiting or silence in communication and finally scanning overall observation of group members to find the behavior of participation of a member to find clues in the form of body movement, facial expression, and gesture it may indicate loss of attention, confusion and discontent. Team facilitator makes sure that  everyone has an equal opportunity to participate and make encourage those who have been silent to comment. Team facilitator willing to speak everyone in a team.
Active Listening Skills In A Team
A team member who bound either have or learn active listening skills in a team.  The team member maintains good eye contact and establish face the person or group head on the project, member stay relaxed form and sit in a comfortable situation, member bound to aware of body language and nonverbal behavior, member never make content confusing and delivery and must listen must idea or main thought rather than trying memorize words, member don’t jump in the conversation too soon and give time left to finish what they are saying. At the same time facilitating pauses a few seconds before giving feedback or answering a question and take time to think and give the time for team members to correct an obvious mistake which done in a project. Facilitator encourage and motivate own gestures or phrases to show other members are listening  and ready to support, make a paragraph or summarize what member has said and understand clearly, completely, aware of emotional response from a team member. Facilitators ask questions for inquiry about stages and progress and constraints in a project. Each member in a team must focus their energy and attention  on what is being said to one member to another member.

for more information, you buy this e book from 

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