Friday, May 31, 2013

participative dess

Participative Decision Making
Participative decision-making is the extent to which team members  allow or encourage members to share or participate in organizational decision-making.  In a group, members may or may not participate in decisions affecting the team.  Conformity often appears more important than positive results.  Win/lose situations are common.   In a team, members participate in decisions affecting the team but understand their leader must make a final ruling whenever the team cannot decide, or an emergency exists.  Positive win/win results are the goal at all times. It is useful  to Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Perceived organizational support, Organizational citizenship behavior, Labor-management relations, Job performance and organizational performance, Task productivity, Organizational profits Employee absenteeism. It involves in identification of problems, Providing solutions, Selecting solutions, Planning implementation, and Evaluating results. Participative Management decisions are opened form of management  decisions where team members are actively involved in the organization’s decision making process.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013



In an organizational context, group thinking level  and group behavior level  are important concepts of understanding group behavior, Key issues of groups, purpose of the team, group size and nature of work by a team. Organizational life is determined by Groups and teams and its committed work. A group of people who are operating and run organization; group and team  activities of the organization require at least some degree of co-ordination through the operation of groups and teamwork. An understanding of the nature of groups is vital if the manager is to influence the behavior of people in the work situation. Groups are an essential feature of the work pattern of any organization. Members of a group co-operate in order for work to be carried out and managers themselves work within the groups. People in groups influence each other in many ways and may develop their own hierarchy and leaders. Group pressures can have a major influence over the behavior of individual members and their work performance. The activities of the group are associated with the process of leadership. The style of leadership adopted by the manager has an important influence on the behavior of members of the group. Group task is relating  Ongoing or routine,  Implementing new process or procedures,  Creating new ideas,  Solving specific problems or issues, and  Important negotiations with customers or competitors.

Groups have exhibited different behavior in an organization. In this section, we’re going to look at various aspects of group behavior like as a group,  group concepts, types of groups,  stages of group developments and  group dynamics.

Understanding the group refers to any number of people who are interacting with one another, and aware one another and perceive to work  themselves in a group. Group members have a membership with groups, each group of conscious, shared their role and responsibilities, ability to act as a unit. It results that  enhance the performance, increase the responsiveness to the customers, increase innovation, increase the motivation and satisfaction in a team members and ultimately gain competitive advantage in team work.

A group is defined as two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve particular objectives in an organization. “Two or more persons who interact regularly to accomplish a common purpose or goal.”

Two or more freely interacting individuals who share a common identity and purpose.

Groups have interdependence, interaction, or common goal in an organization.

Groups differ from organizations due to that involve systematic efforts and are engaged in the production of goods and services.

Teamwork occurs when groups are able to work efficiently and effectively together to achieve organizational goals.

A group is defined as two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve particular objectives.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Absence of Trust
This outcome occurs when team members are reluctant to be vulnerable with one another and are unwilling to admit their mistakes, weaknesses, or need for help. Without a certain comfort level among team members, a foundation of trust is not possible.

Fear of Conflict
Teams that are lacking trust are incapable of engaging in unfiltered, assionate debate about key issues. It creates situations where team conflict can easily turn into veiled discussions and back channel comments. In a work setting where team members do not openly air their opinions, inferior decisions result.

Lack of Commitment
Without conflict, it is difficult for team members to commit to  decisions, fostering an environment where ambiguity prevails. Lack  of direction and commitment can make employees, particularly star  employees, disgruntled and disenfranchised.

Avoidance of Accountability
When teams do not commit to a clear plan of action, even the most focused and driven individuals are hesitant to call their peers on actions and behaviors that may seem counterproductive to the overall  good of the team.

Inattention to Results
Team members naturally tend to put their own needs (e.g., ego, career development, recognition, and so on) ahead of the collective goals of the team when individuals are not held accountable. If a team has lost sight of the need for achievement, the business ultimately suffers.

Lack Of Productivity, Wasted Effort And Inefficiency
Team when become inefficient at work place. It results that lack of productivity, wasted effort and inefficiency in a team work.

Misalignment To A Company’s Strategy And Priorities; And  A Poor Dynamic With Ineffective Communication Or Mistrust
Team must work as per plan when team is not setting priorities at work due to ineffective communication and mistrust of among the team members in a team.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Key areas of team effectiveness focus to continually improve team members' effectiveness. Team effectiveness key areas are as outlined:

  • Goals
  • Roles,
  • Procedures
  • Relationships
  • And Leadership
  • Periodic Self-evaluation
  • Effective use of Resources
  • Control procedures
  • Self Awareness
  • Development of trust in a team

The team clearly defines Goals of the team, Vision, Mission, Values and plans to manage team activities.  Each member plays a significant role in achieving the team goals.

Each team facilitator defines the Clear Roles And Responsibilities, Organization Structure of the team, Job Description of members. Accountabilities of group members, Competencies among the Resources, require Tools And Equipment for a team members and necessary and technical Qualifications for effectively  running team work.

Belbin defines nine team roles are outlined:
Creative Team Roles: Plant and Resource Investigator
Leadership Roles: Shaper, Implementer and Coordinator
Miscellaneous Roles: Specialist, Monitor/Evaluator, Completer-Finisher and Team Worker
Plant: creative, imaginative, unorthodox, solves difficult problems
Resource Investigator: extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative, explores opportunities, develops contacts
Shaper: challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure, has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles
Implementer: disciplined, reliable, conservative and efficient, turns an idea into practical action coordinator: mature, confident, a good chairperson, clarifies goals, promotes decision-making, delegates well
Specialist: single-minded, self-starting, dedicated, provides knowledge and skills in rare supply
Monitor/Evaluator: sober, strategic and discerning, sees all options, judges accurately
Completer/Finisher: Painstaking, conscientious, anxious, searches out errors and omissions
Teamworker: cooperative, mild, perceptive and diplomatic, listens, builds, and averts friction

An organization  bound to define procedures for functional activities of the team and its nature of work involvement of on a team and its members. It is methods to perform team work  in an organizational project. Team notices procedures for Solving Problems in a team, and Making effective Decisions, Communicating, Managing Conflict, Completing Tasks, Planning, Meetings, Managing Change, Evaluating Performance

Positive relationships develop team effectiveness and achievement of team goals. A team bound to maintain positive relationships, Mutual respect and trust among team members, Support, Inclusion, Involvement, Value diversity, Listening,  and make effective feedback and mutual responsibility at the time of  disagreement. These things are making a team effectiveness to achieve the mission.

Team leader leads the team with full support and effective in achieving team results. A strong team leaders must possess the
Personal Credibility, Strategic Focus, Clear Expectations, Clear Communication, Engagement and Involvement, Develop People and Team, All members responsible and accountable, 
Manage Change Recognition and effective teams are always aware of the responsibilities to work at competitive environment.

Absence of Trust
This outcome occurs when team members are reluctant to be vulnerable with one another and are unwilling to admit their mistakes, weaknesses, or need for help. Without a certain comfort level among team members, a foundation of trust is not possible.

Fear of Conflict
Teams that are lacking trust are incapable of engaging in unfiltered, assionate debate about key issues. It creates situations where team conflict can easily turn into veiled discussions and back channel comments. In a work setting where team members do not openly air their opinions, inferior decisions result.

Lack of Commitment
Without conflict, it is difficult for team members to commit to  decisions, fostering an environment where ambiguity prevails. Lack  of direction and commitment can make employees, particularly star  employees, disgruntled and disenfranchised.

Avoidance of Accountability
When teams do not commit to a clear plan of action, even the most focused and driven individuals are hesitant to call their peers on actions and behaviors that may seem counterproductive to the overall  good of the team.

Inattention to Results
Team members naturally tend to put their own needs (e.g., ego, career development, recognition, and so on) ahead of the collective goals of the team when individuals are not held accountable. If a team has lost sight of the need for achievement, the business ultimately suffers.

Lack Of Productivity, Wasted Effort And Inefficiency
Team when become inefficient at work place. It results that lack of productivity, wasted effort and inefficiency in a team work.

Misalignment To A Company’s Strategy And Priorities; And  A Poor Dynamic With Ineffective Communication Or Mistrust
Team must work as per plan when team is not setting priorities at work due to ineffective communication and mistrust of among the team members in a team.

Monday, May 27, 2013




Team effectiveness is the selection of the right skill person  for the right job in an organization. It brings together different skills person in  team to achieve particular mission. It influences  the right mix of skills of persons like as technical skills and conceptual skills and communication skills, team effectiveness is directly linked with  motivation, The ability to solve conflicts without compromising the quality of the project. Several factors within an organization itself influence team effectiveness, including its organizational culture, level of autonomy, and types of feedback mechanisms. But the factors that influence the effectiveness of a team most directly stem from its internal structure and processes.
·         Structural factors include team or group type, size, and composition of skills and abilities.
·         Team processes include stages of team development, cultural norms, roles cohesiveness, and interpersonal processes such as trust development, facilitation, influence, leadership communication, and conflict resolution.

Team effectiveness based on the performance of the team and its members on task and objectives of an organization:

·         Teams are proliferating in business organization because of their ability to achieve quality results quickly and effectively.

·         The team is ready to push to "get the job done,” and provide excellence in work in the client organization.

·         It achieves towards goals of an organization

·         It provides an opportunity to share leadership qualities among the team members in a team

·         It involved in effective decision making process in an organization

·         Building Team Effectiveness engages team members in a focused discussion about their work as a team and how the team achieves success.

·         It is gaining clarity and commitment regarding the team's purpose, partnership, and productivity yields better team relationship

Performance outcomes may be measured by products made, ideas generated, customers served, numbers of defects per thousand items produced, overtime hours, items sold, and customer satisfaction levels. Personal outcomes may be measured by employee satisfaction, commitment, and willingness of members to stay on the team. Both outcomes are important for the long-term viability as well as the short-term success of the team.


Performance and needs are very important to determine the team effectiveness in an organization: The following lists the characteristics that comprise high-performance teams:

v  To build commitment to a member of the team’s purpose and partnership by reviewing issues critical to their development in an organization.

v  To develop guidelines for team productivity by addressing norms for decision making and limits of authority in the team.

v  To create a collective vision of what your team can become in the next year.

v  To build an action plan to move them toward sustained team effectiveness.

v  The team has a common focus, including clear and understandable goals, plans, activities, and ways to measure success.
v  Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined for each team member.
v  Each member has clearly defined expectations of other members.
v  The team fully utilizes its resources—both internal and external.
v  Members value each other's differences in healthy and productive ways.
v  Each member is able to give, receive, and elicit necessary feedback.
v  The team members manage their meetings in a productive way.
v  The team is able to reach goals by achieving the necessary results.


Team application is very important and significant towards the team effectiveness in an organization as listed below:

v  Team members must "get on the application i.e. relating a project” regarding areas critical to performance

v  Teams must revisit their missions and their role to ensure continued high performance in an organization.

v  New teams can avoid the usual confusion of a "team start-up," enabling them to solidify more quickly into a focused and unified work group.


Facilitation is one of the major keys and signed towards the team and its effectiveness in an organization:

v  Team leaders are in a tough spot. Most are managers who have been given new roles as their departments have evolved into functional and cross-functional teams. Team and its members are facility to achieve to planned performance in an organization.

v  Through practice and feedback, team leaders must learn the skills they need to effectively maximize a team's energy, thinking, and resources. This helps empower teams as they meet to move forward on issues, solve problems, and make decisions.

Work groups are a playing a significant and very important role within today’s business world. Work can be restructured around all types groups and groups are needed for all kinds of organizations. Managers can be understood the needs of the groups and its behavior concept in an organization in order to appreciate what groups can and cannot do within organizations and how groups function within and outside of an organization. Any one member in the group can influence the behavior of the individuals in the group and teamwork in an organization. We will examine some basic characteristics of groups including the types of work groups, the development of Informal groups, and the manner in which groups operate in the business world.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Team effective functions

Understanding in team is  it happen  effectively, a team must be filled by competent members who are willing to play the part and keep  the team working as a unit to accomplish goal.
In a group, members think they are grouped together for administrative purposes only.  Individuals sometimes cross purposes with others.  In a team, members recognize their independence and understand both personal and team goals are best accomplished with mutual support.  Time is not wasted struggling over  "Turf" or attempting personal gain at the expense of others.
In a group, members tend to focus on themselves because they are not sufficiently involved in planning the unit's objectives. They approach their job simply as a hired hand. "Castle Building" is common.  In a team, members feel a sense of ownership of their jobs and unit, because they are committed to the values based common goals that they helped establish.
Team Coordination Processes
Team effectiveness purely depends on several coordination functions effectively manage and discharge of  team members can coordinate their actions in the following ways.
 Orientation functions help to team members to acquire and exchange particular information that required for specific tasks. Team members coordinate  to engage in collection of knowledge of how to get resources and how to solve constraints in a project and how to achieve the mission and environmental problems in a team. It is stage of planning for how to get resources and how to solve the problems in a systematic manner. In this stage, members are exchanging their ideas, to manage the project without constraints.
 Resource distribution functions help to team members in the form of the assignment of members of specific tasks during collective action, the distribution of  the right material, people and  resources to tasks and  across subtasks, and balancing task load across members. Team leader allocate and distribute resources as per standard plan which make at the time of orientation. Resources include, skills, abilities, and knowledge of a team member.
 Timing functions identified the team members how  to coordinate the pace and speed of task accomplishment. Team pacing incorporates activities regulating the speed of task completion for the team as a whole, as well as for each individual team member.

 Response coordination functions to the specific sequencing of member activities and their timing relative to the occurrence of other team actions. Motivational functions are activities geared toward procuring the commitment of members to team task accomplishment
 Motivational functions  are vital during task execution may take the form of exhortations and encouragement when teams are performing under difficult circumstances. The two remaining teams performance functions refer to activities regarding the monitoring and maintenance of ongoing team actions, and the adjustment of those actions when they become dysfunctional.
 Systems monitoring functions monitoring functions include those actions directed at the detection of errors in the nature and timing of member activities.
Procedure maintenance functions refer to the team monitoring to ensure compliance with established performance standards. The emphasis here is more on team maintenance than on error detection. Both sets of functions include activities related to the adjustment of member actions in response to team derailment. These monitoring and adjustment activities are critically important for team performance, particularly for teams confronting dynamic and ambiguous situations. Indeed, monitoring activities were most instrumental for team decision making effectiveness.
To be effective, these team coordination functions need to become fairly automatic behavior patterns displayed by team members, individually and collectively, as teams confront tasks. Likewise, if teams need to operate in highly dynamic and complex conditions,
Then the application of these functions needs to be adaptive. In essence, teams need to balance two countervailing necessities in such environments: the need to standardize how team members contribute and combine their resources and the requirement that they remain flexible as task conditions become more dynamic.
This balance is created through ‘‘regulatory mechanisms’’ established within the team. These mechanisms refer to operating procedures established to govern the activation, occurrence, intensity, and monitoring of team performance functions. These procedures become encoded in team memory and new members are socialized to adopt and accept these procedures. Examples of such mechanisms include team performance norms, communication rules, and trained strategies shared by team members about how to accomplish routine team functions.
Creativity and Contribution
Team creativity focus of individual technological upgradation  and team application of innovative ideas, concepts and application of creativity in a project to accomplishment of work. Team facilitator encourages to team members' creativity in work, ideas, skills and commitment to work in a team. Facilitator identified everyone members' contribution in a team and praise and reward in terms of monetary and nonmonetary benefits to members. Team facilitator encourage to show unique talents, knowledge and creativity are the main objectives.  In a group, members are told what to do rather than being asked what the best approach would be.  Suggestions and creativity are not encouraged.  In a team, members contribute to the organization's success by applying their unique talents, knowledge and creativity to team objectives. Team members' involvement in Brainstorming, it  helps with the development of team innovation and creativity in a team work.
Trust is a fundamental  thing for team members to accomplish a project. Success depends on trust of a team and failure depends on interest of a team member. In these situations in a team, trust is developed:  team members address issues directly in a team meeting and members bring together trust. Team members  are working transparently  and share the relevant information, and  committed to work on a project, and team members must say frankly they know the things otherwise say not know anything about the project. In a group, members distrust the motives of colleagues because they do not understand the role of other members. Expressions of opinion or disagreement are considered divisive or non-supportive.  In a team, members work in a climate of trust and are encouraged to openly express ideas, opinions, disagreements and feelings. Questions are welcomed.  Welcome members who are learning from mistakes, and finally listen and hear other members' voice.
Common Understandings
In a group, members are so cautious about what they say, that real understanding is not possible. Game playing may occur and communication traps be set to catch the unwary.  In a team, members practice open and honest  communication.  They make an effort to understand each other's point of view. Teams develop direction, momentum, and commitment by working to shape a meaningful purpose.  Common understand is required among the team members in the form of  interest, team members required skills such as communication skills to explain team goals, to address team conflict and to build an environment of trust, planning and organizational skills to keep teams on track and focussed on work outcomes. Every member in team required knowledge to know the group behavior, strategies for mentoring and coaching to informally guide and instruct team members, issue resolution, strategies for gaining consensus.
Personal Development
In a group, members receive good training but are limited in applying it to the job by the manager or other group members.  In a team, members are encouraged to continually develop skills and apply what they learn on the job.  They perceive they have the support of the team. It's the perfect learning environment for member learn to develop personality.
Enhance personality in terms of improving communication skills, encourage teamwork, develop motivation and self confidence, remove barriers and self-doubt. Team members must learn skills such as Communication skills, Behavioral skills, Interpersonal skills, .Memory skills, Interactive skills, Team building skills, Conflict management skills, .Problem solving skills, Decision making skills, Analytical skills, Participative skills, Presentation skills, and Innovating skills.
Team members bound to develop an inner self confidence, Develop hobbies and skills to enhance personal development, practice  with etiquette and manners for self-development, Smile. It adds more charm and quality to your face and self-development, be respectful to others and keep yourself trustworthy, Read the newspaper aloud while at home. You develop a fluency in your communication, Clear and concise communication through team exercises is essential for personality development, Practicing meditation and yoga in corporate training has lifelong benefits. The inner peace will show on your face and work, Do not compare yourself with others, Staying amidst optimistic people are an excellent corporate training tool which helps you stay stress free, Team exercises help you refrain from finding faults, Be kind and grateful for doing favors and the favors you received, Painful endeavors have successful endings. Accept pain to reach success. It helps your personality development efforts, learn to recognize your own mistakes through team exercises, Team exercises also help you to show interest in people around you, Be bold when you lose and keep yourself calm when you win, Open appreciation shows excellent personality development,  Be conscious about your self-discipline and be cooperative with others.
Conflict Resolution
Conflict in a team is inevitable in a member. Conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. Healthy and constructive conflict is a component of high functioning teams. - See more at:
Conflict arises due to disagreement and poor communication in a group and its members find themselves in conflict situations they do not know how to resolve.  Their supervisor/leader may put off intervention until serious damage is done, i.e. a crisis situation.  In a team, members realize conflict is a normal aspect of human interaction but they view such situations as an opportunity for new ideas and creativity. They work to resolve conflict quickly and constructively.
Conflict resolution is a steady and continuous process in a team, it requires respect and patience and team facilitator replace negative experiences into positive one.
Team facilitator prepares for resolution in form of acknowledging the conflict  before managed and resolved and find the issues relating to conflict among the members in a team. Discuss the impact the conflict towards the team performance and mission, team member agree to amicable settlement in a team for achieving the goals and finally agree to communicate for resolving conflict and maintain a healthy environment in a team. By considering the facts, assumptions, beliefs and  take decision making without affecting anyone. Gain agreement within the team about which techniques to use, and how to go about the further analysis and evaluation.

Team facilitator is ready to resolve the conflict, next arises next stage understand the situation under the each member point of view and clarify positions, list the facts, assumptions and beliefs underlying each position and analysis the small groups work on the resolution of conflict. Convene back as a team And finally take to reach agreement to regulating the conflict. Team facilitator practice these things as outlined;
Immediately dealing with conflict and avoid to temptation, facilitator become discuss  being open,  tell clear communication, practice active listening, not stick on personal grounds, insists on honest and focus on actionable solutions, and finally demonstrate respect to all members in  a team
Participative Decision Making
Participative decision-making is the extent to which team members  allow or encourage members to share or participate in organizational decision-making.  In a group, members may or may not participate in decisions affecting the team.  Conformity often appears more important than positive results.  Win/lose situations are common.   In a team, members participate in decisions affecting the team but understand their leader must make a final ruling whenever the team cannot decide, or an emergency exists.  Positive win/win results are the goal at all times. It is useful  to Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Perceived organizational support, Organizational citizenship behavior, Labor-management relations, Job performance and organizational performance, Task productivity, Organizational profits Employee absenteeism. It involves in identification of problems, Providing solutions, Selecting solutions, Planning implementation, and Evaluating results. Participative Management decisions are opened form of management  decisions where team members are actively involved in the organization’s decision making process.

Clear Leadership
Leader clear leadership shows the subjectivity, self-awareness, and the ability to perceive the relationship among the team members. Clear leader must possess the  listening skills, communication skills, and negotiation skills, and learn emotional intelligence to manage personality. The skills of clear leadership are
·         Self-awareness,
·         Descriptiveness,
·         Curiosity, and
·         Appreciation.

In a group, members tend to work in an unstructured environment with undetermined standards of performance.  Leaders do not walk the talk and tend to lead from behind a desk.  In a team, members work in a structured environment, they know what boundaries exist and who has final authority.  The  leader sets agreed high standards of performance and he/she is respected via active, willing participation.
In a group, members are uncommitted towards excellence and personal pride.  Performance levels tend to be mediocre.  Staff turnover is high because talented individuals quickly recognize that
Definition of Team management
Team management is the direction of a group of individuals that work as a unit in an organization. Effective teams are results-oriented and are committed to project objectives, goals and strategies of an organization.

Saturday, May 25, 2013



"The strength of the team is each individual member...the strength of each member is the team."

Coach Phil Jackson - Chicago Bulls

Team members are operating high degree of cooperation and interdependence. It share authority and responsibility and team members bound to know how to self control in a team. Team major responsibilities are listed below:

v  Clarify goals and objectives of the meeting

v  Participate all team members in an organization

v  Listen all members' views and opinion in a meeting

v  Summarize all issues in the meeting

v  Stay on track on meeting tasks and objectives

v  Manage time in meetings

v  Test for consensus all team members in an organization

v  Evaluate meeting process in a systematic manner and finds reasons for results

v  Proper communication establishes among the team and its members.

v  Team person consults the group, then makes the final decision

v  Team or group makes decisions based upon majority rule or consensus

The success of all types of companies is not depending on the vision, product or marketing. It Is effort of team work. When your team consists right people, these people are  working committed to one another. Team manager considers some factors at the time of selecting of right team members like as a person should have skills to accomplish required tasks and ready to work with trust in a team
Team member's possession few qualities are  to express himself clearly and coherently, Interested and highly motivated in a common goal, Committed and. Listening other team members views, opinion  carefully, Respectful  Person treats others with respect. Team members have to respect the opinions of others and treat each other equally and  helping each other, they are ready for sharing information, knowledge and ready to learn that need to work, team members ready to take responsibility and contribute their work efficiently and effectively, they are flexible in work conditions, they are effective in participating meeting and discuss and suggest ideas and finally team members motivate themselves and influence to other team members.

 A good team is one which is followed the following issues for welfare of the project and an organization:

v  Commitment to common objectives; goals, mission and vision of an organization

v  Defined roles and responsibilities; clearly specified nature of work, project and terms and conditions which are related to the job.

v  Effective decision systems, communication and work procedures; these are very important to lead the team to success.

v  Good personal relationships among the team members and client in an organization.

v  Good teams define the problem before jumping to solutions

v  Good teams have some type of structure with defined roles

v  Good teams encourage new ideas and allow issue related conflict and solution of the conflict

v  First step is to get to know each other in team members and client details and project details with used for carefully planning for formulation of policy, implementation of policy and control project task for accomplishment of goals and objectives in an organization.

v  A team is the collaboration of innovative technology, skills, ideas, performance, committed, and common goal for accomplishing committed goals.



Development of team work commits developing teams can produce happier employees and improve the overall function of the business.