Saturday, August 31, 2013

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution
Conflict in a team is inevitable in a member. Conflict isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. Healthy and constructive conflict is a component of high functioning teams. - See more at:
Conflict arises due to disagreement and poor communication in a group and its members find themselves in conflict situations they do not know how to resolve.  Their supervisor/leader may put off intervention until serious damage is done, i.e. a crisis situation.  In a team, members realize conflict is a normal aspect of human interaction but they view such situations as an opportunity for new ideas and creativity. They work to resolve conflict quickly and constructively.
Conflict resolution is a steady and continuous process in a team, it requires respect and patience and team facilitator replace negative experiences into positive one.
Team facilitator prepares for resolution in form of acknowledging the conflict  before managed and resolved and find the issues relating to conflict among the members in a team. Discuss the impact the conflict towards the team performance and mission, team member agree to amicable settlement in a team for achieving the goals and finally agree to communicate for resolving conflict and maintain a healthy environment in a team. By considering the facts, assumptions, beliefs and  take decision making without affecting anyone. Gain agreement within the team about which techniques to use, and how to go about the further analysis and evaluation.

Team facilitator is ready to resolve the conflict, next arises next stage understand the situation under the each member point of view and clarify positions, list the facts, assumptions and beliefs underlying each position and analysis the small groups work on the resolution of conflict. Convene back as a team And finally take to reach agreement to regulating the conflict. Team facilitator practice these things as outlined;

Immediately dealing with conflict and avoid to temptation, facilitator become discuss  being open,  tell clear communication, practice active listening, not stick on personal grounds, insists on honest and focus on actionable solutions, and finally demonstrate respect to all members in  a team

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Clear Leadership

Clear Leadership
Leader clear leadership shows the subjectivity, self-awareness, and the ability to perceive the relationship among the team members. Clear leader must possess the  listening skills, communication skills, and negotiation skills, and learn emotional intelligence to manage personality. The skills of clear leadership are
·         Self-awareness,
·         Descriptiveness,
·         Curiosity, and
·         Appreciation.

In a group, members tend to work in an unstructured environment with undetermined standards of performance.  Leaders do not walk the talk and tend to lead from behind a desk.  In a team, members work in a structured environment, they know what boundaries exist and who has final authority.  The  leader sets agreed high standards of performance and he/she is respected via active, willing participation.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Creativity and Contribution

Creativity and Contribution

Team creativity focus of individual technological upgradation  and team application of innovative ideas, concepts and application of creativity in a project to accomplishment of work. Team facilitator encourages to team members' creativity in work, ideas, skills and commitment to work in a team. Facilitator identified everyone members' contribution in a team and praise and reward in terms of monetary and nonmonetary benefits to members. Team facilitator encourage to show unique talents, knowledge and creativity are the main objectives.  In a group, members are told what to do rather than being asked what the best approach would be.  Suggestions and creativity are not encouraged.  In a team, members contribute to the organization's success by applying their unique talents, knowledge and creativity to team objectives. Team members' involvement in Brainstorming, it  helps with the development of team innovation and creativity in a team work.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


The term ‘Synergy’ derived from the Greek word synergia, which meaning joint work and cooperative action.  It means working together in a team to accomplish tasks. Synergy also known as synergism. It refers to the combined effects that produced by two or more parts, elements or individuals.

Sunday, August 18, 2013



"We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

Benjamin Franklin

Basic team rules are listed below:

v  Determine if there should be a meeting with an organization.

v  Decide who should attend meeting and work and important authorizations towards job in an organization.

v  Provide advance notice to team members and team and project managers in an organization.

v  Maintain meeting minutes or records   in an organization and its detail and its approval from team members.

v  Establish ground rules for essential requirement for the project which is related to the job.

v  Provide and follow an agenda in a meeting.

v  Evaluate meeting results and focus on main objectives and tasks in on the organization.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Creativity and Contribution

Team creativity focus of individual technological upgradation  and team application of innovative ideas, concepts and application of creativity in a project to accomplishment of work. Team facilitator encourages to team members' creativity in work, ideas, skills and commitment to work in a team. Facilitator identified everyone members' contribution in a team and praise and reward in terms of monetary and nonmonetary benefits to members. Team facilitator encourage to show unique talents, knowledge and creativity are the main objectives.  In a group, members are told what to do rather than being asked what the best approach would be.  Suggestions and creativity are not encouraged.  In a team, members contribute to the organization's success by applying their unique talents, knowledge and creativity to team objectives. Team members' involvement in Brainstorming, it  helps with the development of team innovation and creativity in a team work.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Active Listening Skills In A Team

Active Listening Skills In A Team

A team member who bound either have or learn active listening skills in a team.  The team member maintains good eye contact and establish face the person or group head on the project, member stay relaxed form and sit in a comfortable situation, member bound to aware of body language and nonverbal behavior, member never make content confusing and delivery and must listen must idea or main thought rather than trying memorize words, member don’t jump in the conversation too soon and give time left to finish what they are saying. At the same time facilitating pauses a few seconds before giving feedback or answering a question and take time to think and give the time for team members to correct an obvious mistake which done in a project. Facilitator encourage and motivate own gestures or phrases to show other members are listening  and ready to support, make a paragraph or summarize what member has said and understand clearly, completely, aware of emotional response from a team member. Facilitators ask questions for inquiry about stages and progress and constraints in a project. Each member in a team must focus their energy and attention  on what is being said to one member to another member.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Team Coordination Processes

Team Coordination Processes
Team effectiveness purely depends on several coordination functions effectively manage and discharge of  team members can coordinate their actions in the following ways.
 Orientation functions help to team members to acquire and exchange particular information that required for specific tasks. Team members coordinate  to engage in collection of knowledge of how to get resources and how to solve constraints in a project and how to achieve the mission and environmental problems in a team. It is stage of planning for how to get resources and how to solve the problems in a systematic manner. In this stage, members are exchanging their ideas, to manage the project without constraints.
 Resource distribution functions help to team members in the form of the assignment of members of specific tasks during collective action, the distribution of  the right material, people and  resources to tasks and  across subtasks, and balancing task load across members. Team leader allocate and distribute resources as per standard plan which make at the time of orientation. Resources include, skills, abilities, and knowledge of a team member.
 Timing functions identified the team members how  to coordinate the pace and speed of task accomplishment. Team pacing incorporates activities regulating the speed of task completion for the team as a whole, as well as for each individual team member.

 Response coordination functions to the specific sequencing of member activities and their timing relative to the occurrence of other team actions. Motivational functions are activities geared toward procuring the commitment of members to team task accomplishment
 Motivational functions  are vital during task execution may take the form of exhortations and encouragement when teams are performing under difficult circumstances. The two remaining teams performance functions refer to activities regarding the monitoring and maintenance of ongoing team actions, and the adjustment of those actions when they become dysfunctional.
 Systems monitoring functions monitoring functions include those actions directed at the detection of errors in the nature and timing of member activities.
Procedure maintenance functions refer to the team monitoring to ensure compliance with established performance standards. The emphasis here is more on team maintenance than on error detection. Both sets of functions include activities related to the adjustment of member actions in response to team derailment. These monitoring and adjustment activities are critically important for team performance, particularly for teams confronting dynamic and ambiguous situations. Indeed, monitoring activities were most instrumental for team decision making effectiveness.
To be effective, these team coordination functions need to become fairly automatic behavior patterns displayed by team members, individually and collectively, as teams confront tasks. Likewise, if teams need to operate in highly dynamic and complex conditions,
Then the application of these functions needs to be adaptive. In essence, teams need to balance two countervailing necessities in such environments: the need to standardize how team members contribute and combine their resources and the requirement that they remain flexible as task conditions become more dynamic.

This balance is created through ‘‘regulatory mechanisms’’ established within the team. These mechanisms refer to operating procedures established to govern the activation, occurrence, intensity, and monitoring of team performance functions. These procedures become encoded in team memory and new members are socialized to adopt and accept these procedures. Examples of such mechanisms include team performance norms, communication rules, and trained strategies shared by team members about how to accomplish routine team functions.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Types of Groups

In an organization, there are different types of groups are working. Different types of groups are formulated due to the need and requirement of the work of an organization. Types of groups are outlined
·         Informal groups
·         Reference groups
·         Small groups
·         Friendship groups
·         Task groups
·         Formal groups
·         Self managed groups
·         Self directed team

·         Virtual groups

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


 In planning, it’s important that teams have clear goals and that these goals be clear to and accepted by every member of the team.
 Organizing tasks associated with managing a team include clarification of authority and structural issues.
 Leading issues include such things as determining what role the leader will play, how conflict will be handled, and what the best communication process is.
 Two important controlling issues include how to evaluate the team’s performance and how to reward team members
One popular approach to group incentive plans is gain-sharing, which is a program that shares the gains of the efforts of group members with those group members.
In conclusion, a TEAM is a temporary or ongoing task group whose members are charged with working together to identify problems, form a consensus about what should be done, and implement necessary actions in relation to a particular task or organizational area.